2e0xgo/p and 2m0mnb/p on Sale Fell

i noticed a spot for Sale Fell that Richard had put up. He was introducing Stuart 2m0mnb to Wainwrights on the air,so i thought i would give them a suprise and turn up on the Fell

Richard had made a flower pot antenna for Stuart and showed him how to set it up

Richard putting out the first call

2e0xgo and 2m0mnb(2e0mnb)for the day

it turn out to be a strange day for all of us Stuat was transmiting on his Chinese radio but had to listen on Richards yaesu the Chinese on was a bit deaf.Or was it to do with the strange noise that kept coming up, after they finished i walked about 80 meters a way to get the contact when the noise re appeared and we could not hear one and another? strange

to round things of the yanks put on a air display for us in there new toys 8 f35 fighter jets

if only i had taken my slr with 300mm lens

it was a great day for Richard and Stuart i’m not sure how many station they worked so maybe
Richard can tell all

Ling Fell on the way down and lots of braken to get through, some thing i hate in case of ticks
Richard and Stuart headed back by the forest path


Great Photos Reg .
The F35s came out well and Stuart got a short video .
Sure he’ll be along to log his contacts because as it turned out his are the only ones that will counted . I thought I’d done Sale Fell and Ling between Christmas and New year , turns out I did them early January , but I’d still have suggested one of those two any way because they fitted in to the time available as well as Stuart’s itinerary and the objective was to finally meet up with him, he has been keen to try SOTA/WOTA . it was nice to see Reg waiting for us at the summit , I wasn’t completely surprised to see him , if he’d seen our alert I wondered if he’d have a wander up to have a catch up .
As Reg said about difference of radios . Stuart was actually picking things up on his Yaesu with the rubber duck that the other one couldn’t hear with the remote antenna , You can learn a lot about your antennas and radio out portable . I made a similar discovery to Stuart on my first activation , and when in company you can compare the performance of your antennas and radios. I’ve recently modified my VHF antenna set up since activations with Reg and Geoff by making them more compact for carrying and watching how different antennas behave in stronger winds .
Stuart has signed up for WOTA last night but was unable to log in last night so not sure if there’s a bit of a delay setting the account up ?
Richard .

Reg , praying for us to get plenty contacts .

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nice one Richard i think i was praying for motivation for me to get out more