Binsey with 2E0XGO Sat 22nd Jun 2024

Binsey LD-041/LDW-190 Sat 22nd Jun 2024 with 2E0XGO.

I had planned to do a round of fells in Wasdale for the LD weekend but I was given an appointment for an operation on the Saturday so had to cancel that. However the operation was cancelled on the Thursday as it was busy and there were no beds available on the Saturday night. That meant I could go walking. After a discussion with Richard we decided to do Binsey.

I met Richard at the car park area at about 10.15 local and we got kitted up and set off walking.

I brought my roach pole and j-pole aerials for 2m and 4m. Radios I used were an Anytone 778uv for 2m and 70cm and a small Anytone 4m mobile. These were powered by a 7 AH sealed lead acid battery.

Richard was using a small beam and that worked extremely well. The weather for a nice change was clear and dry. There was a breeze on top and after a while it was cool when the sun disappeared but it was still pleasant overall.

Over about 3 hours and 30 minutes we made 29 contacts including 4 on 70 mhz which was impressive.

Of these 14 were summit to summit contacts. Contacts made were as follows:-

Contacts made from Binsey LD-041/LDW-190 on Sat 22nd Jun 2024

22/06/2024 10:08 144MHz FM M0XUP/M
22/06/2024 10:14 144MHz FM 2E0MIX
22/06/2024 10:16 144MHz FM 2E0LDF
22/06/2024 10:18 144MHz FM M0AYB/P WATCH HILL LD-054/LDO-089
22/06/2024 10:19 144MHz FM M0LLC
22/06/2024 10:23 144MHz FM G0TDM
22/06/2024 10:26 144MHz FM G4VPX/P HIGH RIGG LD-044/LDW-210
22/06/2024 10:31 144MHz FM G1GDB
22/06/2024 10:49 144MHz FM M0PJE/P BLACK COOMBE LD-030/LDO-002
22/06/2024 10:52 144MHz FM M0TKF/P KIRK FELL LD-014/LDW-032
22/06/2024 10:57 144MHz FM G6WBS/P FAIR SNAPE FELLl SP-007
22/06/2024 11:06 70MHz FM M0LLC
22/06/2024 11:09 70MHz FM 2E0LDF
22/06/2024 11:12 70MHz FM MM0UHR/P TINTO GM/SS-064
22/06/2024 11:19 70MHz FM 2E0MIX
22/06/2024 11:25 144MHz DV 2E0LDF
22/06/2024 11:47 144MHz FM G6LKB
22/06/2024 11:51 144MHz FM G6AEK
22/06/2024 11:59 144MHz FM M6HGP/P WATCH HILL LD-054/LDO-089
22/06/2024 12:00 144MHz FM M0KXN/P PLACE FELL LD-027/LDW-108
22/06/2024 12:10 144MHz FM G6PJZ/P HIGH RAISE LD-019/LDW-056
22/06/2024 12:19 144MHz FM M0NOM/P STONEY COVE LD-018/LDW-055
22/06/2024 12:46 144Mhz FM G1FVA/P WHITE SIDE LDW-016
22/06/2024 12:57 144MHz FM M0TKF/P PILLAR LD-006/LDW-008
22/06/2024 13:12 144MHz FM G0HIK
22/06/2024 13:17 144Mhz FM M0YMC
22/06/2024 13:19 144MHz FM G0ORO
22/06/2024 13:33 144MHz FM GW3CWI/P FOEL FENNLI GW/NW-051
22/06/2024 13:36 144Mhz FM G1FVA/P RAISE LDW-012

Many thanks to Richard 2E0XGO for the company and a fantastic activation.

The following are some photos I took.

73’s Geoff GM4WHA


Very enjoyable day Geoff , and some nice photos there too, plenty contacts and nice to be able to give people the chance to blow the dust off their 4m gear which is a new band for me any way .
Here’s some of the pictures I got…

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