Dale Head & Hindscarth 23-06-2024

I’d just enjoyed the previous day on Binsey with Geoff, so this was an unscheduled day out after the planned fishing trip to Grasmere was called off last minute, and my Wife was keen for a walk so I didn’t even need to unpack my radio gear .
Started off Dale Head 4m and there was a bit of ducting on 2m resulting in contacts with Mark,G7SXR , Chris , M0RSF , Walt, G6XBF down in the Leeds area, also , M6NSV in Staffordshire near Cannock and 2E0LVG/P Near Stevenage about 25mi N of London.
The visibility was poor on arrival at the summit but the pictures show how things improved …

Setting up for 4m

The “view” into Newlands Valley

2m on Hindscarth


Hi Richard,

It was good to get you on 4m considering my 4m aerial at home is a right heath robinson affair, Nice summit Dale Head and it was good the cloud cleared. Great views.

73’s Geoff