Fellbarrow & Low Fell

This was the walk we postponed because of the road conditions last week .
A very low visibility ascent up Fellbarrow and walk over to Low Fell before things improved gradually. Nice to get a good few contacts on 2m on Fellbarrow and qualify Low Fell SOTA before switching to 40m . Wanted to wait until midday for HF as I’d noticed the contests wihch were on all Saturday ended at 11 59 Sunday so I was able to find a frequency .

My official photographer had a wander along the summit with the camera to get some views from different angles …

Fellbarrow … Nothing to see here, move along

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I’m envious of those 2 photos down the lake.I must have taken 50 shots down there and not got 1 I liked. The only one i could say was better was taken by Phil M0AYB

From home i could not see Fellbarrow or Low Fell all day the WX god’s must have smiled on you


It’s right what they say Reg the best camera is the one you have with you at the time , and sometimes the lighting conditions do the rest and you just have to press the shutter button.