I remember being about as old as my six year old Grandson sitting in the back of my Parent’s car with my own Grandparents on a “run out” and them showing me the mysterious lion and the Lamb . Now I’m as old as my Grandparents were and after seeing the structure from the road ever since I was a boy , I finally got to meet them , up close . I had to be close as will be obvious from the pictures below .
We arrived far too early so headed West to Gibson Knott and did that before Helm Crag instead of the other way round .
Got some good contacts from the regulars and as far away Andy M6AIA in Dewsbury and Mark G7SXR in the Leeds area . Unfortunately despite help from Dave G6AEK and Derek 2E0MIX and trying 70cms I just couldn’t get a summit to summit with Phil and Reg who were on Watch Hill.
Hi Richard
we had slightly better conditions than you and could copy you ok. We gave you a call but got
no response, 5watts was not enough to get you . I looked on the maps and could see a path through be i think Cat Bells was in the way
Given the mist and poor light the photos are very atmospheric . A bit like walks with Geoff (GM4WHA)
73 Reg