Illgill Head & Whin Rigg

A glorious Winter day , hardly a breath of wind on the summits , and you could actually feel the heat in the sun . Nice to be able to sit in just a fleece jumper and be able to take the woolly hat and gloves off . We never saw a soul on either summit , which was surprising considering the weather. after doing 2m I got the 4m radio out and had a crack with Derek for a while , so it justified it’s place in the back pack , but no one else joined us ,as it happened .
Richard …

Setting out.

End of the day

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It was strange how your signal was was a perfectly good 5/5 from Illgill Head and only a very noisy 3/0 from Whin Rigg about a mile further on.But still we made the contact and that’s all that matters

And some great photo’s. Some 45 year’s or so ago my mate and me did a winter accent of one of those gully’s full of snow and ice,but these days i don’t see it happening any more


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We thought those gullies looked scary enough as it was from both the top and bottom Reg !