Meal Fell & Brae Fell with a "bonus" one

Having consulted the map after a few hundred yards realising I’d missed the path intended to take us up Trussmadoor from the North end to Meal Fell it was suggested by My wife that “we could do this one as well couldn’t we ?” , "this one " being Gt Cockup which was now right beside us . So up we went , Derek bailed me out with the summit ref’ as I wasn’t expecting to be there and Meal Fell was relegated to 2nd on the list .
Bit of a struggle with some contacts due to bursts of static wiping signals out below about S8 . I switched to the Yaesu 65 handheld which seemed to cope a bit better than the Anytone 779 mobile radio but it was still causing issues with weaker signals so I used the handheld from then on . The problem seemd to have gone when I reached Brae Fell however.

Brae Fell


I think we have all experiened some kind of gremlins in that area and some radios suffer more than others.

I much prefer to do the round that way via Trssmadoor
