Mellbreak 4/09/2024

A few pictures from the day out yesterday . Adding another interesting element to the day Dave , G6AEK who many of you will have worked often , had made a great effort to position himself and make sure of contact , travelling up to the area from The Fylde in Lancashire to get this summit in his chaser log , as the main path out for VHF/UHF seems to be to the North , he can’t get this one or Low Fell , which is another one he needs. I opted at the last minute not to carry the extra HF gear as it had forecast rain which we only just managed to avoid until packing up and on the way down .
I’ve been up the steep North end route before with Reg ,but this time tried the traversing path which is more gradual up the Western side and brings you to the col between the two summit peaks. I found this route easier and we returned via the col down the steep path to the bottom and picked up the path which runs along side the beck back to the Kirkstile.

Eight contacts on 2M , Nice to hear everyone as usual , and of course Len M0SKY who called on his hand held , the first qso he’d had after being out of the hobby for many years . It was nice to see him turn up at the radio club in the evening too .

Below: G6AEK gets Mellbreak in the log !

some great photos Richard and you were lucky with the wx and no rain until you packed up to head down,when we spoke it was raining in Cockermouth
73 reg

It was fairly light rain with no wind as well bit of a contrast to today.
Richard .