This was one summit at one time but now the Muncaster Fell is less than one meter higher with a bog to cross to gain access to the SOTA summit. So Richard(2e0xgo) and my self decided to do both.We did Hooker Crag first (WOTA) and made 7 contacts G4VFL-G0MWE-2E0MIX-M0SKY-G6LKB-G6AEK-GW0PLP Don 168 miles a way
Muncaster Fell
looking back to the path up,again very boggy
not quite the Red Arrows but in formation
Richard 2e0xgo packing up and ready to go to the Sota fell
we had 14 contacts on 2 meters 5 s2s and 2 contacts on 4 meters
Richard sitting up the 4 meter antenna
the Wainwright summit Hooker Crag from where we were it looked higher?